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Virginia School Consortium for Learning

Virginia Consortium for Learning
2024-25 STUDENT LEADERSHIP Design Institute

General Information

The annual VaSCL Student Leadership Design Institute is a benefit of membership in The Virginia School Consortium for Learning.
The conference is FREE for participants from VaSCL member high schools.

The VaSCL Student Leadership Design Institute Showcase is held annually on-site in March.
Final dates, times, and location TBA.


The 2024 Student Leadership Design Institute Video

Teen Design Teams

Each high school may register one or two teams of diverse student leaders, grades 9 –12. We encourage faculty advisors to include students who lead peers from a variety of leadership roles, both formal and informal in the school.

A Faculty Advisor will need to complete an intent to register one or more teams will attend and be present to support registered teams at the March showcase event. Student team leaders should be identified on the initial registration form which will be provided to faculty advisors and steering committee members via link in January 2025. All team members can be added at a later date prior to March 1.

Design Institute Focus

studentpresentation The 2024-25 Student Leadership Design Institute will provide student teams an opportunity to participate in a design challenge that allows them to draw upon their own experiences and observations to create team solutions that address critical issues that impact today’s high school students, their families, or community members.

Each year, the planning team identifies a design challenge with student team leaders. Teens today are very aware of global challenges that play out locally in their own communities, Education, Housing, Criminal Justice, Poverty, Pollution, Sickness & Disease, Gender Inequality, Decent Work Opportunities and Economic Growth. They may have experienced one or more of these challenges in their own lives or know peers, family, or community members who live with these challenges every day. They have developed perspectives and points of view as well as ideas that can inform adults who make decisions about schools and in the community. Student voices offer powerful insights into these challenges.

Student Leadership Design Institute Goal

student leadersTeams will explore innovative approaches that can help their schools and communities to become more locally responsive to one or more of the identified challenges. During the Design Institute activities both virtual and onsite in the high schools, student leadership teams determine how they can help create local solutions and take action to address critical challenges. The Institute process engages all participants as bold and imaginative leaders who are committed to improving their schools and their communities through design.

Institute Lesson Design Overview

faculty advisorTeams will participate in a design challenge together at their high school and share solutions with students from different high schools. The main purpose of the design challenge is to give students a chance to engage in design process activities that allow them to investigate for themselves solutions to challenges and issues that high school students observe locally in their own communities. Each team will be facilitated by a student leader who has participated in brief training synchronously or asynchronously prior to the conference Institute.

Although faculty advisors will support each team onsite at the high school and at the Institute (as a way of ensuring participation in a supportive environment), design time will be entirely student-driven, giving all students the chance to listen to, learn from, motivate, and inspire each other as they explore the questions and problems that are important to them. Student teams will have ample time to share their experiences and collaborate with other students in coming up with creative, new approaches to issues faced by their communities and pinpoint ways to communicate their solutions to adults who are decision makers.

Important Information for Faculty Advisors

Information will be forthcoming here in the fall for Faculty Advisors.


Up to two teams of Three to Five students (grades 9-12) and one or two Faculty Advisors from each VaSCL member high school can be registered using the online registration form.

Team Leader Training

All team leaders will need to participate in synchronous or asynchronous Facilitator Training Sessions, held virtually, via Zoom. Student team leaders can choose to attend zoom sessions or watch zoom recordings of those training sessions. Faculty advisors also should attend the session with their team leader.

Questions? Conference Institute Coordinator

If you have questions or concerns, or would like more information about this year’s VaSCL Student Leadership Design Institute, please contact Alison Dwier-Selden, VaSCL Coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.