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Virginia School Consortium for Learning

Moving to Do Science

Teachers 9-12, Coaches, Curriculum Leaders, Administrators

September 14,  October 19  &  November 16, 2023
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Presented by:
    Dr. Kelley Aitken
  • Registration Fee (Members):
  • Registration Fee (Non-Members):
  • Type of Workshop:
    Virtual Workshop - Online Only
  • Location:
    Virtual - Online Only

Workshop Details

The 2018 Science Standards of Learning shifted the focus from students “knowing” science facts to applying scientific concepts in real world situations. It is no longer enough for students to memorize facts, they need to demonstrate a conceptual understanding of scientific and engineering principles to succeed.

This workshop series is designed to highlight the changes in the standards, help participants understand how to break down the standards into student friendly learning objectives, and provide structures and scaffolds to ensure all students can access the curriculum.

The series will run as three sessions focussed by grade bands. Participants are encouraged to attend all three sessions, but can pick and choose based on their needs.

Part 1:
Unpacking the Standards

The session focuses on diving deep into the new 2018 science Standards of Learning to get a deeper understanding of exactly what students are expected to know, understand, and do. Example lessons will be provided and teachers will work together to unpack their standards and write high quality lesson objectives.

Part 2:
SEPs? What Are They and Why Are They Important

This session focuses on SOL 1 and what it looks like in a science classroom. SOL 1 is not a stand alone unit, but rather skills embedded within the content. SEPs should be a constant in your classroom: first introduced, then modeled, then practiced all throughout the year. In addition to breaking down the skills into student friendly objectives, the session will discuss and provide strategies for incorporating these skills as well as classroom management ideas.

Part 3:
Putting It Together to DO Science

This session focuses on the shift in instructional practices that lead to students taking ownership of their learning. Tip on using phenomena to engage students in the classroom. The session will highlight research based practices that require students to use problem solving and sensemaking when learning science concepts.

Recertification Certificate

Recertification Certificates (5 points) will be given at the end of the PD workshop series after completion of an electronic exit survey.

Virtual Workshop Information

ZOOM links will be sent prior to each workshop.


Teachers 9-12, Coaches, Curriculum Leaders, Administrators


Dr. Kelley Aitken

Kelley Aitken is a versatile professional with over 20 years of experience in K12 education including leading a school division staff of over 100 science teachers, Kelley has provided leadership in creating, implementing, and evaluating new curriculum and technological programs aligned to the needs of the school division, state, and national standards. She has served as an educational leader at the school division and state level providing mentorship, coaching, support and professional learning for teachers and administrators. She is a Balanced Assessment Coordinator for VaSCL and works with member divisions to implement the use of the VaSCL assessment bank for formative and summative purposes.

Workshop Series Cost

This workshop is free for each participant who is a member of a school division that is a member of VaSCL. You can check here for member divisions.

The registration fee for participants from Non-Member school divisions is $50.

If you would like to pay now by credit card or through a PayPal/credit account, you will be given an opportunity to do so below.

If payment is not made by credit card/PayPal account at registration, the person whom you identified as the Billing Contact will be sent an invoice for payment of your registration fee.

Refund Policy

VaSCL has a no refund policy for workshop registrations.

If a participant is unable to attend the workshop please let Alison Dwier-Selden (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) know as soon as possible.

We are happy to allow a substitute to attend in your place. Allison will need to know the person’s name and email address for confirmation.

Contact VaSCL

If you have questions or concerns, or would like to receive more information about this workshop, please contact our Professional Learning Coordinator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Register for Workshop

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Conference Details

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Confirmation Email

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Participant Information

(Required fields are marked with a red asterisk - * )

Please enter the Participant's First Name
Please enter the Participant's Last Name
Please enter the Participant's Email Address
Please enter the Participant's School Division
Please enter the Participant's Position
Please enter the Participant's Job Title

Billing Information

(Required fields are marked with a red asterisk - * )

Please enter the First Name of the Billing Contact
Please enter the Last Name of the Billing Contact
Please enter Email Address of the Billing Contact
Please enter the Phone Number of the Billing Contact (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
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Single Product - 0.01 USD


(Required fields are marked with a red asterisk - * )

If you would like to pay now by credit card or PayPal, you will be provided with a link to the VaSCL online payment portal after you submit your registration.

If you do not pay by credit card or PayPal at registration, the person whom you identify above as the Billing Contact will receive an invoice via email for payment of the registration fee after the conference has been held.

If a purchase order number is provided on the registration form, it will be referenced on the invoice.

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Moving to Do Science
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Virtual - Online Only